Dear Info Publisher,
Did you ever play with magnets when you were a kid?
I sure did—and I admit I was totally fascinated by them. Actually, I still am. I love refrigerator magnets. My mom had them on her fridge. I have them on my fridge. I bet you have some on your fridge too.
Line up your magnets in one direction, and they slide super-fast across the table and stick onto one another. It’s like magic. They have no choice.
Now introduce some metal to the magnet, and the metal will fly out of your hand in the blink of an eye to get to the magnet. SWACK! There’s that satisfying sound of metal kissing a magnet.
Flip your magnets in the other direction and what happens? They chase each other away like an old man yelling at kids to get out of his yard or to get off his lawn.
Or introduce something like wood or paper, and nothing happens. No attraction, no satisfying SWACK, nothing. Epic Fail!
"Magnets can either attract or repel. What are your lead magnets doing
with your prospects?"- Bill Vannot,
While the physics behind magnets is fascinating, playing with them as kids was fun, and they are still useful for hanging up pictures on our refrigerators ...