52 Questions and Answers!

"How Do I Announce A Sale To My Mailing List?"

Good question. What I suggest you do is send out a series of emails:

Email Marketing Strategies
  1. An email a few days before the event.

  1.  An email the moment the event launches

  2. 3. An email to remind people of the ongoing event.

Check out these templates…

Email 1: 

Huge savings are coming soon!

Hi [Name]

If you've ever seriously wanted to [get some benefit or solve some problem]. I've got some good news for you.

In just 72 hours from now you can get your hands on [product] name at a whopping [$ or %] discount!

Now I don't have to tell you that this is a fantastic deal. After all, [product name] is the #1 [type of product that delivers some benefit]. People everywhere rave about it for these top three reasons:

  • It gives you a quick and easy way to [get some benefit]

  • You can use it to finally [get some benefit or result]!

  • You'll find out [how to get another benefit]!

But don't take my word for it. Look at what others are saying:

[insert one to three of your top testimonials]

And just think - pretty soon you could be writing a letter like that!

So here's what you need to do next: set aside five minutes on [day] at [time]. That's when the sale starts. You won't want to miss this rare sales event, because you won't see savings like this again!

[sign off]

P.S. Your coupon code will arrive within 72 hours - watch this space for big savings!

Email 2:
Sale starts now! Get your coupon code inside…

Hi [Name]

If you act now, you can get [product] name for just [$ amount] - that's a whopping [percentage or dollar amount] discount!

All you have to do is to go [URL] and use coupon code [coupon code] to snag your discount now!

But here's the catch…

This sale won't last long. The doors close on [near date and time, such as 48 hours from now]. And you know what? You're gonna kick yourself if you miss out.

That's because this is the best and biggest promotion that's ever been offered for [product name]. It won't come around again. Go get yours now: [URL]

[sign off]

P.S. [Product name] is worth twice the price. But why pay more when you don't have to? Use [coupon code] now at [URL] to grab your discount!

Email 3: 
Just 24 hours remain…

Hi [Name]

You're running out of time to get your hands on [product] for just [discount price].

This has never been offered before.

It will never be offered again.

So go get yours now by using coupon code [coupon code] at [URL]!

[sign off]

P.S. You're going to kick yourself if you miss this sale! Grab your coupon code above and get your discount - hurry, sale ends in 24 hours!


The above is just one example of an email series promo you can send out to your prospects. If you'd like even more email templates to generate more sales while saving yourself a whole lot of time and money, then check out "Instant Email Campaigns"

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