Hot Words That Get Your Emails Opened


Not many days pass without a flood of emails promoting the same launch, a new product or the latest giveaway. Many times you will get the same promo email from several affiliate marketers, with the same subject title and hyped up sales copy.


After a while, it would be safe to say that many of you are immune to the daily email blast and automatically delete any duplicate emails trying to grab your attention.


When you are irritated enough by the daily blast, you usually start unsubscribing as fast as you can find the tiny link somewhere at the bottom of the email.


As a marketer who sends email messages to your list, you have exactly one requirement for success. The emails have to stand out in the daily media blitz in your subscriber’s email, and actually get opened and read. If you get lost in the onslaught and deleted, you will not have a business.


There are some techniques and hot words you can use in your email titles that will increase your odds of getting your emails opened. As a marketer, you have to know what emails are getting opened and what are not. It just doesn’t make good sense to continue using techniques or words that do not do the job you need them to do.


To start with, keep your subject line short and focused. What you don’t want to do is run the title off the right side, which looks sloppy, unprofessional and cuts your message off in the middle. The hot words you are using won’t be so hot if they are not on the page when your readers are viewing the list of emails, recently received. Successful marketers usually recommend an email title of no more than 50 – 60 characters.


The following words have a proven, hot, magnetic attraction to those readers looking for bargains or information from you.


"Free" is a very attractive and hot, emotional word for email subject lines. Everyone likes to get useful products for free. Check out your hard drive and see how many free info products or software is stashed in folders that you haven’t opened for a long time.


"Something For Nothing" is a strong pull on the curiosity of your readers. Some people claim using the word "Free" will cause the email to go to the spam trap, but I’ve certainly had many hit my inbox with that word just fine.


Another is "Easy." Most people, including Internet marketers, want to use a process or software that doesn’t require a lot of work. Spending hours to learn how to use new software is actually wasteful to marketer mindsets. To them, time is money, and difficult processes will get dumped. If you say it is easy, make sure it is.


If you can work either of these hot words, "You" or "Your," into your subject line, you will emotionally bring your email right down to the reader. It makes your email personal and not perceived as hype. Better yet, if you can use their name, do so. Everyone wants to feel special and important to the marketers they deal with online. The biggest mistake you can make is to let your subject lines or your email salutations look like this: [Name…]. You might as well address it to "Hey You!"


Other power words that attract attention and have a reasonable chance to get opened are: "Guaranteed," "New," "Proven" and "Uncovered." They are emotional hooks that make you feel safe if you buy them or are about to get your hands on something few others have.


There are plenty of other hot words that grab readers when they see their email messages. Start your own file of the words that grabbed you for future reference. Keep in mind some of these words may trigger the spam police. Do your own investigating and use the best ones you can that aren’t considered spammy.




Want to learn how to write profitable email copy? Download this free report "Profitable Email Copywriting" that shows how to CRAFT Explosive Emails that will convert like Soda Machines in the Sahara Desert


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